

Faith ®

“The Mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership”

F3 is a network of 4,943 free, peer-led workouts for men in 400 regions

Current States with F3 Locations

International Impact

F3 in the News and Media

Read the full Article about F3 Nation and it’s impact on men’s lives and their communities in the Jan/Feb 2019 Men’s Health USA Magazine

Click for link to Men’s Health Article

new-york-times-logo-square - Cosmetique MD | Manhattan & Long Island New YorkRead the full Article about F3 Nation; A Workout Craze with a Side of Faith and how it is impacting the lives of men in suburban TX communities and around the Country. 

Click for link to the New York Times Feature

Listen to the full episode about F3 Nation and how it’s impacting men’s lives across the globe as featured on the Order of Man Podcast

Click for link to OOM Podcast Episode

Listen to the full episode about F3 Nation’s origins, mission and what problems F3 is solving as featured on the Art of Manliness Podcast

Click for link to AOM Podcast Episode

F3 Five Core Principles

Free of Charge

Zero cost! Never a charge to workout, ever

Open to all Men

No matter the man, you are welcome here

Held Outdoors

Rain or Shine, Hot or Cold, we are out there

Peer Led

Led in a rotating fashion by the men who attend

Ends with COT

Always ends with a Circle of Trust

“Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him.”

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We welcome men of all fitness levels and all physical abilities to our workouts. We have no requirement for membership other than you show up on time to the location and follow what the workout leader has planned. We will not leave any man behind!