New to F3? Here are 10 Tips for New Guys!
So, you got past your favorite excuses and decided to participate?
Here are some tips to get you going…
1. Check out the video on our Home Page as well as the New to F3 page to get the F3 basics.
2. Find workouts near you in your region by visiting the the Locations page and then visit your local regions website or Facebook page. Workout locations and times don’t change, rain or shine, heat or cold…we are always out there.
3. Unsure what some F3 term means? Consult the Lexicon or Exicon, an F3 exercise database.
4. Follow F3 Nation on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook
5. Lead a workout. F3 is peer-led so you are Freed to Lead after going to your first workout and earning your new F3 nickname.
6. Go to an F3 Fellowship event, be it a #CSAUP or a #HDHH (did you look at the lexicon?).
7. If you’re interested in service, check out the F3 Foundation or join a local service or faith-based opportunity with other local F3 men. Don’t see something that fits you or want to do something different? Talk to your local region about ways you can make an IMPACT together on your local community.
8. If you’re moved to do so, check out a local Q Source group or join a Shieldlock with other men.
9. Volunteer to help F3 grow near you. There are many different ways to give back or what we like to call “give it away”, from helping lead workouts, start new workout locations, or even start a new region. Contact our expansion team for more details.
10. Ask us any questions we didn’t cover.